Hints and Tips for Everyone

Nearly 3 million visitors per annum visit the Tweed/Byron Local Area Command and the majority have a stress and trouble free holiday.

Some visitors though become victims of crime, and some have accidents whilst in Tweed/Byron and we would like to offer some simple advice to help prevent this from occurring to you.

  1. Secure all property, even at camp sites (use your vehicle for storage if necessary)
  2. Avoid having valuables with you if they cannot be under lock and key.
  3. Be observant whilst using ATM’s, be aware of those around you.
  4. Secure caravans and motel rooms when left unattended.
  5. Secure your accommodation at night whilst sleeping.
  6. Camps sites are difficult for security, be awake of this and do your best to look after your possessions if camping.
  7. Do not leave valuables visible in parked vehicles, or on the beach. Stealing from motor vehicles is our most prolific holiday crime.

Personal Safety

  1. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; if this cannot be avoided then do not display large amounts of cash.
    If carrying a handbag or purse, carry it against the body with the strap diagonally across your chest.
  2. Keep credit cards safe at all times, do not carry PIN numbers to cards with you.
  3. Be aware of drink spiking. Never leave a drink unattended of accept of drink from a person you do not know.
  4. Consider a “buddy” system, drink with a friend and look after each other.
  5. Try and have taxi money at the end of the night, whilst the majority of holiday makers just want a good time the combination of late nights and alcohol can lead to conflict. It is best to avoid those situations.

Water Safety

  1. Do not swim in the ocean at night or whilst intoxicated, persons have drowned in the Tweed/Byron Command in the past as a result of this.
  2. Try to swim between the flags at a patrolled beach.
  3. If you swim away from patrolled areas be aware of the ocean and your own ability as a swimmer. Do not enter the water if you do not understand the surf conditions (waves, currents & rips) and do not try to take on more ocean than you are able to.
  4. For information on surf safety visit the Surf lifesaving website

Boating safety

  1. Most “Boaties” are safety conscious however it is always timely to remind you of the basic safety regime.
  2. Ensure your boat is in good working order, never overload your boat, and never drink alcohol whilst in charge of a vessel.
  3. Be aware of the weather forecast and tell someone where you are going and when to expect you back (VMR and Volunteer Coast Guard operate in Tweed/Byron)

Road Safety

  1. Tweed is one of the worst areas in NSW for drink driving with over 1000 arrests per annum. Make the choice to not add to these figures
  2. Do not drink drive, always observe speed limits and wear your seatbelt.
  3. If you do not think you will be able to drive then arrange for alternate travel plans instead.